
I am building a directory of anonymous HOA reviews.

The directory will allow users to search for Homeowner Associations (HOAs) by property address and leave reviews.

The system will use autocomplete suggestions similar to Google Maps, matching addresses to HOAs. If an HOA is not in our system, it will use public APIs to fetch and create the listing.

Additionally, HOAs will have the ability to claim their property in the system, which is where we will monetize by offering paid subscriptions for HOAs to respond to reviews and manage their profiles.


•Current number of HOAs: Approximately 370,000 HOAs (as of 2023)

•Current number of households governed by HOAs: Over 74 million people live in these communities, which is about 26% of the U.S. population.

Using projected growth rates for housing developments, let’s make an estimate of how many HOAs could be added over the next 29 years:

Estimated HOA Growth Over 29 Years:

1. Current (2024): 370,000 HOAs

2. 2025 (1 year): Estimated growth of 2-3% annually gives approximately 380,000 HOAs.

3. 2030 (6 years): At a 3% annual growth rate, we could expect around 429,000 HOAs by 2030.

4. 2040 (16 years): Continuing this growth, the number of HOAs could rise to 577,000 HOAs.

5. 2053 (29 years): At this steady growth rate, the U.S. could have close to 822,000 HOAs by 2053.


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