The In-Between Period

Warning: The following content may be considered me stepping into sexist territory. Mind you, I am garbage, so take what I say with a grain of salt (or a gram of coke if you’re like my dad…)

Jewish girls that come from money (otherwise known as JAPS) have a special period in their life that I like to call “the in between period.”

It’s the period in their life between when their dads pay for them and their husbands do.

Many only spend a few months or years in the in-between period. Others aren’t so fortunate. How many “in-betweeners” do you know?

This post was inspired by multiple conversations with a good friend of mine who’s obviously a JAP. She approved of this message which means I’m in the clear… which means I can still run for president one day ✡️🇺🇸


Family Feud

